20 Disney Characters And Their Real Life Twins
20 Disney Characters And Their Real Life Twins Worldwidegis.blogspot.com Mar 21, 2019 3:03 PM We love Disney; who doesn’t, right? Disney’s reach is so completely and fully integrated into our society that it’s not hard for us to name at least one Disney character, even if we wouldn’t call ourselves superfans. This kind of cultural impact that Disney has is incredible and is something that we believe will last into many future generations. Disney as a company seems to work mostly in animation. The women and men of old Disney are pulled straight from classic fairytales and other made-up stories. This results in a magical, over-the-top style that’s relatable, accessible, and imagination-sparking. We love them for nostalgic reasons but really have come to enjoy the new Disney era even more. Movies like Frozen , Wreck-It Ralph , and Tangled are all giving us major creative vibes. From different art styles to different story inspirations, the new Disney is imp...